At Budget Waste Services, we provide a comprehensive range of waste removal and rubbish collection services for businesses across Melbourne. From commercial waste removal to complete recycling solutions, we can tailor a waste management services plan to suit your requirements.
Waste & Rubbish Collection and disposal can represent a significant cost for a business. At Budget Waste Services, our recycling company provide our clients with cost-effective collection services customised to the specific budget and requirements of your business.
General waste is any product you wish to dispose of that’s not recyclable and can include general business rubbish, food wrappers or discarded food items, waxed cardboard or paper items, discarded textiles and so on. We offer front-lift, rear-lift and hook-lift pick-up for general waste with a variety of bin sizes from 120L wheelie bins to 31m³ skip bins.
We also provide hazardous and liquid waste management solutions. This includes grease trap collection, drum and IBC collection, product destruction and medical waste collection. We can safely collect, handle and dispose of most types of hazardous and liquid waste, while adhering to all relevant environmental and safety regulations.
We also provide a comprehensive range of recycling services. We can help you with paper and cardboard recycling, organics recycling, commingled recycling and specialised recycling including e-waste, green waste, soft and hard plastics and more.
At Budget Waste Services, our priority is to provide sustainable waste management solutions for businesses with a focus on minimising the amount of disposable waste. We want to help Australians create a green future where sustainable production cycles are the norm and proper waste disposal is a given.
We aim to do this through education and example. Our team is committed to environmental sustainability and we work to promote environmental issues through the commercial sector and the local community.